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Schedule your in home virtual consultation with one of our diamond specialists  Call (469) 333 9200  Javeri Jewelers Inc Frisco, TX Schedule your in home virtual consultation with one of our diamond specialists  Call (469) 333 9200  Javeri Jewelers Inc Frisco, TX

Schedule your in home virtual consultation with one of our diamond specialists 

Call (469) 333 9200 

Or fill our online form and we will call you . Click here for online registration 

Our Diamond specialists will walk you through the process of choosing the perfect diamond for your special day. 

We will cover the 4 C's of diamond buying, what to look out for on a diamond certificate, what the big online stores don't tell you and how to buy like a professional. How to choose the right setting for your diamond and for your individual lifestyle. 

The 4C's .Click here Choosing the right setting .Click here 
Diamond halo Rings  Pre-mounted rings with diamonds  Javeri Jewelers Inc Frisco, TX

Diamond halo Rings 

Pre-mounted rings with diamonds 

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Diamond engagement set  Pre-mounted diamond engagement rings with matching bands  Javeri Jewelers Inc Frisco, TX

Diamond engagement set 

Pre-mounted diamond engagement rings with matching bands 

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Diamond solitaire rings  Pre-mounted diamond solitaire rings Javeri Jewelers Inc Frisco, TX

Diamond solitaire rings 

Pre-mounted diamond solitaire rings

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