Did you know that the August's primary birthstone is peridot, & is a light lime to deep olive green gemstone that symbolizes good fortune. Peridot is born out of olivine, a common mineral sourced from volcanoes, & is reported to ward off evil spirits, eliminate enchantments, as well as prevent nightmares.
Peridot has a fascinating, mythological history, and ancient records show that peridot has been mined as early as 1500 B.C. Peridot may originate from the Greek word peridona, which means "giving plenty." Ancient Greeks and Romans used peridot in their rings, pendants and other jewelry, believing it bestowed nobility.
Peridot has a history of being confused with emerald, and is sometimes referred to as the "evening emerald", many historians claim that Cleopatra's famed emerald collection actually included peridot gems.
So if you're looking for a gift for a green gemstone-loving person in your life, peridot gemstone jewelry is the perfect choice and comes in at more affordable prices than emeralds. If peridot is good enough for Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, it's good enough for us! Stop by and see our peridot collection or visit our website for your convenience.